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"Motivating meetings when Nikoo fixes teeth all over the world"

SVT Örebro, 25 December 2018

"Örebro dentist praised for preventive work"

P4 Örebro, 7 December 2018

Tandläkare utan gränser (Dentists without borders) receive dental health award"

The dental journal, 6 Dec, 2018

 “Christmas gift for better oral health”

Plandent, Journalen Nr 4, 2017

"You have to be creative and find solutions"

Tandsting, Nr 2, 2017

"Praised dentist: We can help many people in the world"

P4 Jönköping

Nikoo Bazsefidpay is interviewed by Hasse Pettersson, 2 May 2017

"Swedish woman of the year 2017"

Hemsida SWEA
"Nikoo spreads Swedish dental health in the world", 4 April 2017

"She is the Swedish woman of the year"

The Dental Journal, 5 April 2017

“Programa 90- dentistas sin fronteras!

Vox coordenada 57

Interview with member Verónica Aragón about the Tanzania project

(Note! In Spanish!)


“What was it like to be a dentist”

Vision magazine, no. 2, 2016

Tandsköterskan Maria Ekermann har varit volontär för Tandläkare utan gränser i Zimbabwe två gånger. Läs intervju av Sara Jonering från The newspaper vision. 

 "Dentist who spoke up"

Verkligeheten i P3, 21 april, 2015

"Dentist Johan Klang traveled with Tandläkare utan gränser (Dentists without Borders) to distribute toothbrushes and extract teeth in Zimbabwe in Africa. There he is greeted with applause. But the trip had an unexpectedly bitter aftertaste…”





“Tanzania is like a second home for Bodil”, January 2015

"The love for the country made her not hesitate to start a dental clinic.  There is much that needs to be done, but Bodil Sandin is enjoying life in Mdabulo in Tanzania, where she is starting a dental clinic"

Text och foto av Veronica Svensson


“Everyone has the right to a healthy mouth!

Journalen Nr 3-4, 2014

Tandläkare utan gränser är en ideell organisation som arbetar för att främja oral hälsa i länder där tandvården är eftersatt.
Through both direct and long-term efforts, they work according to the motto that everyone has the right to a healthy mouth. Plandent Forssbergs Dental has supported the organization since its inception in 2009 and is one of the main sponsors.

“My unforgettable and experience-filled volunteer trip!”

Dental 24

VOLUNTEER WORK: Read Tara Faezeh Nejad's travelogue from working on preventive dentistry in Zimbabwe for Dentists Without Borders. On weekdays, she works as a dental hygienist at Smile Colosseum.


"Volunteering gives perspective"

 Dental nurse No. 4, 2014

As a volunteer at Tandläkare utan gränser (dentists without borders), Susanne got the chance to do what she always wanted - help where the needs are greatest. An article about Susanne Johansson's experience as a volunteer in Zimbabwe. Text by Petra Westlin. 


“My unforgettable and experience-filled volunteer trip”

Juni, 2014. TandhygienistTidningen, nr 3.14

TandhygienistTidningen interviews the volunteer Tara Nejad, the dental hygienist from Mölndal in Gothenburg. Tara was on a volunteer trip to Zimbabwe and worked for two intensive weeks. Here is her travelogue. 

“Praktikertjänst stöttar studenter”

 7 Mars 2014

Det började som en tanke om att göra ett examensarbete om preventiv tandvård och slutade med en resa till Zimbabwe. Tandläkarstudenterna Christoffer Bambaei och Ahmed Aman Ibrahim som studerar på KI i Stock- holm, fick mycket kunskap och många minnen med sig hem.


Karolinska Institutet's education magazine, 2014, page 22

"The experiences open new doors, both in life and in the heart"

Tandläkartidningen, 2012

"Doing good does good"

Swedish Radio, June 2012

She pulls teeth in Zimbabwe - meet the initiator of TLUG (Audio)

Local newspaper: Lomma-Burlöv

"Want to have better dental health in the third world"

Saco, 2011

"Advice and tips: Nikoo- Dentist"

Dentalmagazinet, 2011

"Working as a volunteer changes your life"

Folktandvården Uppsala, 2011

Volunteer work with Tandläkare utan gränser

Lomma local newspaper, 2011

Want better dental health in the third world

Dental 24, 2010

Swedish Tandläkare utan gränsers (Dentist Without Borsers)- first volunteer trip to Zimbabwe

Children's dentist magazine, 2010 (page 18)

Tandläkare utan gränser (Dentist Without Borders), TLUG – a Swedish independent, non-profit organization that was started in March 2009

 Dental24, 2009

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