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Become a volunteer
Cooperation countries
To be able to volunteer, you must be a member. Read more about our project countries!
Questions and answers
Here you will find the frequently asked questions about volunteering
Collaborative partners
In addition to our projects, TLUG can transfer volunteers to other international organizations TLUG.
Travel stories
Here you can get an insight into what it is like to work in the field as a volunteer.
Travel grant
Did you volunteer in one of our projects? Then you can apply for a travel grant!
Become a volunteer
As a volunteer at TLUG, you must be prepared to work hard, often in simple conditions.
Supervised toothbrush project Tanzania 2019
Preventive program where students and teachers educate about the importance of tooth brushing. Each student receives a toothbrush that is left at school. Twice a day, students brush their teeth at school under the supervision of teachers. The dental status is registered at the start of the project and continuously during the follow-up
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