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Become a volunteer

Jenny Mikhail shares her experience working as a volunteer for Tandläkare utan gränser (Dentists Without Borders).

Do you want to join in and help?

In large parts of the world, people live with poor oral health, which is often a sign of poverty and insufficient knowledge on the subject. Developing and improving oral health in the long term takes time. In the long run, it is the effort of each volunteer that leads to the better. Being a volunteer means that you go away and work in some kind of aid project without pay.

Tandläkare utan gränser (Dentists Without Borders) has projects in Zimbabwe, Etiopien, Tanzania, Filippinerna and Burkina Faso.

Oral health is not a high priority in developing countries, even though a clear connection is seen between oral health and quality of life. The links between oral health and diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity are documented. When the standard of living is raised, the welfare diseases are also raised, which in our case means a rapid increase in caries incidence.

Our goal is to increase awareness of the connection between good diet, oral hygiene, fluoride and caries/periodontitis, but we also try to bring in a connection between general health perspective and good oral health.

You can certainly find answers to many of your questions under the categories "Questions and answers"and"Travel stories”.

For further questions and concerns, contact us via:

As a volunteer at TLUG, you must be prepared to work hard and often under simple conditions. In return, you get to be part of something exciting and challenging!

You will most likely feel both joy and pride in making a contribution somewhere where it is really needed. You get to be part of an extremely important work that is also developmental on both a personal and professional level. In addition, you are given the opportunity to experience another culture and get to know new people. Each project lasts for a two-week period and the projects are spread over the year with different dates for each project country.

Do you want to join the journey and make a contribution? Submit an expression of interest or ask your questions by filling in the forms below.

When is the next Volunteer trip?

Håll er uppdaterade genom att följa oss på instagram!

Zimbabwe – 2025
Februari v8+9 – Ansökan stänger 29/11-2024.
Juli – Anmäl ert intresse i formuläret redan nu!

Tanzania – 2025
September – Anmäl ert intresse i formuläret nu!

Filippinerna – 2025
Mars v11+12 – Anmäl er i formuläret nu!
Informationsmöte 1/2-2025 – Anmälan:
Oktober – Anmäl ert intresse i formuläret redan nu!

Ethiopia - Date not set
More info will be added here and on social media.

What period can you travel? (You can choose several)

Have you participated in volunteer projects under the auspices of TLUG before?

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