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§1 Organization name and address

The organization admits as” Dentists without Borders” is registered in Stockholm, Sweden.

§2 The Organizations purpose

By means of voluntary dental work in developing countries, the organization offers the inhabitants dental care and prophylaxis information which intends to improve oral and general health. The organizations intent is voluntary, and it is not profit drifting. No remuneration will be paid out to the board directors and committee.

All earned money, through contributions from the general public and membership fees, will exclusively finance projects the organization is running and various material charges.

§3 Ethical guidelines

The caregiver should be guided and inspired by empathy and honesty. The primary goal should first and foremost be the health and well being of the patient. The treatments that dentists give their patients should be based on science and evidence based care meaning that treatments should be based on science and clinically tested methods. The caregiver should respect and consider the integrity during care giving of the patient and always insure patient safety. The caregiver should during his or her stay in the country respect the current situation of the country, so that the relationship between the organization and recipient country is equal. The organization should provide care regardless of the patient’s culture, ethnicity, political or other differences between care giver and receiver. Dentists are obligated to respect their professions ethical guidelines, and not let political, religious or other personal beliefs get in the way of providing the best possible care to the patients.

§4 Accounting year

Accounting year is the same as calendar year.

§5 Regulations of organization activity

The organization operates non profitable and no board members nor regular members will receive any salary. Primarily, the financing will cover the costs in project countries in form of material, supplies etc. The goals and objectives of the association are to improve dental health in low-income countries. This can take place by sending out members to low-income countries providing an active effort within the prevention of diseases in the oral cavity and within actual dental care, primarily targeted towards children and young people in population groups demonstrating the greatest needs.

For any invasive treatment on patients the organization should insure that there is sufficient medical care for those patients whom encounter complications after given treatment from voluntaries. If an agreement with the host country, does not exist the organization will reassess the mission and work based on the existing conditions.

Invasive treatment can be carried out by volunteers with a dental license, students can work with a temporary license. Treatment is emergency based, and concentrates to aid against pain and infectious disease.

Projects will continue within unrestricted time periods, but the volunteer work is limited to short period of time, up to 4 weeks. Selected volunteers are expected to pay for their own transport and living.

The prophylactic care is primarily intended for the younger population in the project countries in order improves their oral health. Within invasive care the treatment should be emergency based, and relieve pain and infectious conditions. The treatment will be given according to Swedish dental emergency-based standards, and treatments can be given within that standard. After every mission an evaluation of the work is made in order to improve the next project and to give the opportunity for a better oral health in the selected countries.

§6 Regulation for membership and elimination

Everybody can apply for a membership. Established membership fee at the time is 150 SEK per year. In order to being able to work as a volunteer, membership and adequate knowledge and qualification is necessary. Prophylaxis care and information can be performed by all dental health care providers. Invasive care demands a dental license or temporary license, and dental care above own competence may not be practiced.

A member expects to represent the organizations host country, and must appear professionally. Quality and implementation of dental care should be resembled to dental care in Sweden/EU, with exception where sufficient material or medical care cannot be acquired. The invasive care must be lege artis.

The volunteer is responsible for the treatment and should not pursue work that he does not master.

If a member dose not correspond to these expectations in their voluntary work, or make incorrect treatment, they can after a decision from the board committee be eliminated from the organization. If a member with a mental disease or drug addiction, which exposes the organization, hasn’t told this before the project he/she can be removed from the organization after a decision from the board. Members with ongoing severe criminal activities can be eliminated.

§7 Regulation for establishing membership fee

Established by the board committee at the yearly meeting.

 §8 Resolutions regard development of the organization

The yearly meeting will be held once a year, where the organizations development and changes will be discussed, and the decision of a new board will be made. The board can settle on a new yearly meeting if they decide it’s necessary.


§9 Year meeting

Yearly meetings are programmed on January every year.

 §10 Invitation to year meeting

The invitations should be sent in good time, a month in advance, through e-mail or letter of invitation to concerned members.

§11 Voting rights

Every member who attends the yearly meeting has a vote. If the member can’t participate at the meeting but want to vote, it can be arranged by a scriptural vote.

§12 The board committee

The board is divided in the following responsibility areas: President, secretary, financial manager, head of foreign connections, sponsor libel, and members and advisers. Some areas of responsibility could be handed out to working groups, where members can engage themselves. The board is selected once a year at the yearly meetings. All members can candidate for positions within the board. An election committee is a month before the board selection going to present the candidates. The board’s task is to improve the organizations work and in the end lead to an improved oral health in the areas the projects will be implemented.

 §13 Auditor

An independent auditor will work with the organization. The auditor is chosen every year by the board members. They’re responsible to present the organization’s income and expenses. The funds will be used according to the organizations goals, earlier mentioned above.

§14 Changing of regulation

Proposal for a change can be formulated by a board member. At the year meeting all board members can vote about the proposal.

§15 Resolution of the organization

Decisions are made by the board members, and by the votes of all board members. Remaining supplies and money will be used strictly on charity.

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